Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Business Trip?"

I went to Brooklyn! I took silkscreening at the EtsyLabs! I met Etsy admin people! I silkscreened my "Why is a raven like a writing desk" Venn diagram onto a bunh of manties. I had wonderful good times! I will elaborate more later and upload pictures, but oh what fun! I want to live at my friend's apartment so I can go to Monday craft nights at Etsy all the time and craft and play with people and make things and have happy good times. Oh, the happy good times I had! Not just with Etsy stuff, but the Etsy stuff was certainly fun. I'm still beaming, and it's not just the hangover.


T.Allen said...

*Giggles* Yay! Brooklyn and manties and Etsy folks and Etsy!

Unknown said...

Jill -
I read 'business trip', artistic nudes, and how you got started on Etsy... I love you writing 'voice' - keep it up.