Monday, March 10, 2008


Why am I "in charge" of the Jewish street team? Is it my infinite knowledge of street team starting? How about street team workings? Or even my deep ties to my Jewish heritage and the Jewish community both on and off Etsy? Nope. Not really. It's because I said "there should be a Jewish Etsy street team," and people agreed.

I'm not quite sure what the difference is between leading random groups and organizations (I did this sort of thing a lot in high school and at Oberlin) and, say, cleaning my living room. In one case, I'm all pro-active and go-get-'em and I have a decent natural sense of what needs to get done right away and what is better to put off until things are further along. In the other case, I separate my crafting papers into sub-categories in the middle of the floor and leave them there for easier access while a weird layer of old clothes, yarn, flat-rate boxes, broken small appliances, laundry, and other miscellaneous crap coats the entire area visible from the entryway.

But I've started a database of the Etsy Jew Team members. I finally got convos out to every person I have on "the list" (sorry about the "list" of Jews...I'm reading Man's Search for Meaning right now and it's a little creepy, but that's what it is) and I have a game-plan for where to go from here.

And oh! Right! I still have a shop somewhere! I have Purim cards in my head and the paper here and I even bought a circle paper cutter thing for the project, but I can't open the part where the blades are (stupid weakened body). I should just eat crow and wander over to my neighbors' and ask them. They're nice. They'll think it's funny/cute.

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